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  • Blackcurrant Extra Jam 290g

    Blackcurrant jam is great spread on toast or with scones and cream, but also makes a lovely accompaniment to cheese. It can also be added to youghurt or poured onto ice-cream for a lovely fruity hit. This year we won a Great Taste Award for our blackcurrant jam. The judges said:
    A beautifully coloured jam with an attractive gloss.... Lovely jewel-like colour and homemade appearance. The aroma is delightful, and conveys clear blackcurrant notes. There are good sized fruit pieces, and plenty of them. The flavour of this jam is great: a brilliant balance of tartness and sweetness. The skins of the currants are tender. Just right.  Good even consistency without too much wateriness - the shape of the fruit has held up well. An excellent, pure blackcurrant taste...  A simple and versatile jam...  Pleasingly tart and not too sweet.
    £4.95 Add to cart
  • Chuckleberry Extra Jam 290g

    A chuckleberry is a hybrid fruit and has a redcurrant, gooseberry and jostaberry (blackcurrant & gooseberry cross) parentage. This fruit has hints of all three parents and produces a lovely sharp, tart, but sweet flavour with very few seeds. This is our best seller and people tell us it “tastes like jam used to taste”. Use this jam as a lovely alternative to blackcurrant – it has a similar flavour, but more interesting.
    £5.45 Add to cart
  • Damson Extra Jam 290g

    Damsons are members of the plum family native to the UK and Ireland, but the fruits are smaller and have a slightly sharper flavour. The fruit when ripe has a lovely blue/black colour and produces a firm set, richly flavoured jam. The fruit we use is hand-picked locally from foraged fruit and we remove most of the stones before cooking, but some are left in while cooking and impart a slight almond flavour to the jam. We do our best to remove these after cooking, but the finished product may contain stones.
    £4.95 Select options
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